Officers and directors serve a two-year term elected in the summer of odd-numbered years to serve the following two years. The following officers and directors shall serve for October 1st, 2024 through September 30th, 2026.
- President: Claire Matthews (WA)
- Vice President: Grace Gibbons (MI)
- Secretary: LeAnna Fox (CA)
- Treasurer: Kamrin MacKnight (CA)
- Historian: Katrina Poteet (TN)
- International Relations: Kathryn Dodd (GA)
- Past President: Lex Bryson (OH)
- Morgan Moore (TN)
- Danielle Langlois (AZ)
- Piper Leiper (WA)
- Lindsay Tompkins (WA)
Committee Chairs
- Membership: LeAnna Fox
- Fundraising: (None)
- Web and Media: Katrina Poteet
- Health and Research: Claire Matthews
- Events: Kelsea Stafford-Louisiana